About Us
A look behind who is providing this service.Benchmarking Performance Criteria
Do you find yourself struggling to understand how Facility Management (FM) information contributes to the cost per square footage, total cost of care, or cost of occupancy? Todd Wilkening (CHFM, CHST, Vice President of HCI) assures that “Performance Criteria,” a new service from HCI and Soleran, will deliver information like this, and much more.
“Performance Criteria” is optimized for the management team that aims to clearly demonstrate and communicate their value and contributions to the bottom line of healthcare operations with high quality results.
A substantial scope of information will be provided – here’s just a few:
- Real Estate and Property Management
- Occupancy and Building Use
- Construction
- Facility and Plant Operations
- Energy Management
- Technology
- Clinical Engineering
- Health and Safety
- Environmental Services
- Sustainability
Why HCI and Soleran?
Through an exhaustive search process, HCI was able to determine that Soleran would be the best candidate for the partnership based on similar guiding principles. Both HCI and Soleran have demonstrated passion and determination to improve the world of healthcare facilities management – with extraordinary results. This partnership represents a resolve to understand the unique challenges facing facilities management, and to provide the technology and processes to repeatedly drive improvement. Together, HCI and Soleran look to change the mindset of the status quo.
In the past, safety, compliance, energy management and the life cycle cost of assets have been the foundation of facilities management programs. In a world of reimbursement security and Value Based Purchasing (VBP), this is simply not enough.
Today, executive leadership faces a myriad of challenges and threats to the business. Beyond their day to day requirements, they are now faced with decisions that impact the survival of the organization. “Performance Criteria” provides FMs with Return on Investment (ROI), Net Present Value (NPV), and other information that will put them at the same table with decision makers.
It is essential that FM’s enhance the traditional means of communicating costs and operation to senior executives. While cost per square foot is crucial information for an FM, providing that information in formats that would be taken favorably at the executive level is even more critical. Examples include adjusted patient days, adjusted discharges, staffed beds, clinical procedures, and more.
The partnership of HCI and Soleran, Inc. has embraced this shared methodology as a guiding principle. In concert, “Performance Criteria” assists in bridging the gap between the worlds of the FM and senior executives.
“This is the most useful solution in recent decades to emerge and advance the successes of the real estate and facility managers, contractors, and constructors”. Says Mike Rogers’s; CEO of Soleran. Rogers is referred to as “HCI’s transformational leader with a successful history of conceptualizing, developing, and growing high-value companies”.
To describe this as exciting would be an understatement. The attention of the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia have been captured. Truly an international need; says Todd Wilkening.
How to Get Involved
Healthcare organizations can easily participate. Participation will provide you invaluable insight into the FMs operational performance and impact on the business. For a nominal subscription fee, FMs can obtain real time indicators on performance, not only in comparison to their own internal dashboards but also in comparison to industry averages represented in the data base. Seeing the immediate benefit this solution will provide, hundreds of health care organizations have already voiced their eagerness to participate.
Beyond Benchmarking
Custom solutions can quickly become complex without the proper workflow development and change-management processes. A necessary first step, consulting teams help to peel back the layers of your organization in order to develop and implement custom solutions that meet your needs. It won’t stop there – throughout the implementation and training processes, teams of experts will be right by your side to ensure success for you and your organization.
Performance Improvement
If you have some questions or concerns about your business strategy, data collection process, or the proper way to collect information from a critical care patient, depend on the years of experience that the consultants of HCI and Soleran bring to the table. HCI and Soleran experts understand your greatest concerns, and lead you in the most appropriate direction. Together we have worked to develop business applications that help solve real-world problems.
Simplify Common Tasks
Simple administrative tasks can consume all too many hours of the day. Tasks like these can often be automated or greatly simplified through the use of innovative technology. HCI and Soleran, Inc. are committed to implementing better practices, while simultaneously improving efficiency gains. This allows you to do more with less, and focus on more important growth strategies.
As with any profession, best practices
come with experience. HCI and Soleran, Inc.
combine many years of experience working
with healthcare organizations, and bring an
impressive track record of savings, risk
reduction and improvements in the quality of
care and patient experience.
Coincidently enough, these are the top
priorities of the accountable care
organization (ACO).
“Performance Criteria” for healthcare
facility managers has embarked on a new
frontier to further the success of
facilities management in order to improve
healthcare as a whole. This new frontier is
driven by proven tactics of top notch
facility managers like yourself, along with
leading healthcare executives.
Todd Wilkening, CHFM, CHST, is a
FacilityCare Editorial Advisory Board
member. Visit
for a full bio.